Creating a Successful Professional Style: A Male Perspective (Part 2 of 3)

In last week’s post, we met Art Magnaye, a stylish sales professional who definitely understands the power of a well-thought out look… trust me, he’s the real deal!  He joins us again for part 2 of his 3 part series.  Enjoy!

In my last post I introduced the concept of fit.  I’d like to back up a bit and explain why I went straight for suits.  I will be talking about a “professional style” and for most men that involves the wearing of a suit.  When you choose to don a suit, (like it or not) you are participating in a world-wide custom that arose when the British ruled the mercantile world.  Almost every man in the business world puts a suit on ...

Creating a Successful Professional Style: A Male Perspective (Part 1 of 3)

I am really excited to present to you a 3-part series by a special guest who definitely has style and isn’t afraid to share it here with you!  He’s 100% “L2 Style-approved” – we don’t just let anyone onto this blog you know….

Without further ado, I’d like to present to you, a thoroughly well put-together, stylish individual – Art Magnaye.

There comes a time in every man’s life when he realizes there are more to clothes than protection from the elements.  For most (and I include myself in this group) this epiphany usually occurs several times in a lifetime.  For the most part these per...

Necklines: Creating a Polished, Professional Look

So, you want to be taken seriously like the professional you know you are but you aren’t sure if your attire is sending the “right” message to your clients.  First off, good for you for thinking about how your clothing choices might impact your future career success (for those of you that have made this association)!  That’s usually the biggest hurdle for most people to overcome and admit to.  Second, one of the biggest no-no’s that a woman can make is to not think about how they’re “managing the ladies” in the workplace.  Regardless of the type of professional environment you work in (whether you work for yourself or in an extremely formal office), making silly mistak...