Don’t you just love a good tailor?

I truly believe in the necessity of a good tailor (I’m sure you’ve figured this out about me by now).  I wanted to share this alteration with you because it’s something that I feel people wouldn’t automatically think to tailor… but I certainly would!

Here’s a bit of background:
I was looking for more of a dressy-casual summer dress that was more feminine and “light” looking (does that make sense??).  I stumbled across this fun and flirty dress at Thread Hill, a great boutique in downtown Edmonton.  I fell in love with the dress but realized that it needed some tailoring to make it work for me.  Since I’ve been working with my tailor for a few years now, ...

A smile’s worth… well, what IS it worth?

I met up with a friend of mine, David, and noticed that he looked a bit different.  He had just got braces!  David, a 30 year old entrepreneur, felt that it was time to do something about an issue that had been bothering him since he was a teenager.

I was quite curious as to why David decided to get braces at this point in his life, particularly for a guy who always comes across as confident and comfortable with who he is and what he’s about.  So, we got into it (of course David was experiencing the usual difficulties people have when first getting braces) and here’s what I learned…

  • David has always been self-conscious about his teeth and hence, probably does...

Don’t Underestimate the Importance of a Great Fitting Blazer

Having a great fitting blazer can speak volumes about you, who you are and what you’re about!  I’ll get right into it…
Here are a few of the things I notice when I see someone, in a professional setting, wearing a blazer:

  • “I mean business”- when you see someone who has taken the time to put on a well-fitting suit, including a tailored blazer, I automatically think that they are ALL business!  This person has taken the time to present themselves in a way that will not only gain the respect from others but also position them as an authority.
  • The details are important – focusing on the details such as fit...