It’s that time of year – end of season clearance at most retail stores. Shopping during sales is tons of fun but heading out for a big shopping day during end-of-season clearance time can be VERY tempting and usually results in MANY impulse purchases – not to mention buyer’s remorse!
Here are some sure-fire tips to “shop the sales” and feel good about what you’ve purchased:
- Do you really need it? We’ve all done it – purchased a new garment, taken it home, left it to hang in the closet, and thrown it out 2 years later. It seems we never learn. Instead of repeating this vicious cycle, try this. Make a list of things you are looking for and then prioritize what you think you really need (not such an easy task). Think about this: if you only had a certain number of dollars to spend, what would you look for first? This will help you stay focused so that you only looking for certain items rather than let yourself go a little haywire. Don’t let that be you!
- Look for at least 2-3 options in a similar style. Let’s pretend that you’re looking for a new silk blouse with an interesting pattern throughout. Rather than grab the first one that seems to be a good deal, try shopping around for 2-3 options. You’ll be able to compare prices, colours/patterns, material, etc. This will enable you to choose a piece that you REALLY like (and not just in the spur of the moment kind of “like”) and will actually wear. What a novel concept huh?
- Is it classic or trendy? People often think that sales are a great time to pick up trendy pieces because of the deep-discounts. However, if a garment is too trendy and very season-specific, chances are it’ll probably be out of style the next year when you’re ready to wear it. Instead, use end of season sales to find those classic pieces that’ll last for many seasons to come. That’s how you stretch your $$ babe! But hey, if you find a cute trendy piece that is such a good deal and you’ll be able to transition into the next season, go for it. We all love those trendy additions to our wardrobe right?
Happy shopping!