Reader Spotlight: I moved from a formal to casual work environment and am not sure how to transition my dress.


I am a 32 year old male who has recently transitioned from a really conservative office (where suits and ties were mandatory) to a work environment that is much more relaxed with its dress-code.  I really enjoy this new environment because it’s filled with hard-working, fun-loving people and I love the challenge of figuring out new things but I’m a bit stumped in figuring out what to do with my daily attire in this new office.  A suit and tie is just too much for this office but I’m not sure how to appropriately tone it down.  Any suggestions?



Hey Dan,
I can completely understand not wanting to stick out ...

Do we really need to be talking about necklines again… apparently yes we do!

So, this post is a bit after the fact but I didn’t want to interrupt our guest blog series to bring you this “breaking news” (HA!).  By now, some of you have read this story.  If you haven’t, it’s an interesting read and you’ll surely have something to say when you have read it.

I want to take this opportunity to share my opinion.

As a business consultant who advises people and organizations on developing a positive professional presence, I feel...

Creating a Successful Professional Style: A Male Perspective (Part 3 of 3)

Here’s our last (sniff) post from the stylish, guest-blogger, Art Magnaye.  Thank you Art for your insightful posts…

The next time you are downtown take a glance downward.  In contrast to the fairer of our species, for most men, shoes are an afterthought…something to protect your feet from the hot pavement (or to cover those nasty toes).  Even those men who profess to like their shoes (and spend a great deal of money on them), I submit, don’t.  Let me explain.

First let me qualify what I mean when talking about shoes.  What I am not referring to with the generic term of “shoes” are work boots, tennis shoes, runners, the vintage Air Jordans y...