Navy blue suits… they’re not just for bankers

First off, I must apologize for my long absence from the blog.  It’s been a very busy time.

This post was inspired by some work I did this week.  I’ve become much more drawn to a navy blue suit over the past couple of years or so.  Here why I think more men should be wearing them:

  • Navy blue looks great on many different skin tones whereas,  say, a black suit isn’t always flattering (don’t worry, I love you too black suit).
  • It’s easier to split up a navy suit and wear, for example, the blazer with a pair of jeans and casual button-down shirt.  This gives a suit more versatility in your wardrobe.
  • There are many more colour and pattern com...

Wedding Vendors, take some notes here!

I was recently perusing Preston Bailey’s blog (he’s so creative and talented) and came across this blog post – Vendors, What You Wear Matters.  Of course, this is right up my alley so I read it as well as all the reader comments (the comments section is mighty interesting).  The main question that was asked at the end of the post was:

What do you think is the proper way to dress when you’re working an event?