Add a bit of colour to your step

Spring is right around the corner! It’s a great time to start developing a Spring wardrobe that makes you feel light, stylish, polished, and professional.  For me, one of the easiest ways to transition into a warmer season is by adding a bit of colour into my step.  You’ve probably been wearing black, brown, and grey for most of the winter so it’s time to start looking forward to bright colours!  Before going overboard stocking up on beautifully-coloured shoes, you really should consider looking for shoes that are: Versatile enough to work with at least 3 outfits in your wardrobe (no wasting $$ here ladies) Appropriate for your work environment Comfortable to walk around in (to and from work, walking around at lunch/breaks, etc) Speaks to your style and personality Here are some of my top picks to complete a vibrant, professional look.  To keep things doable for the office, I’ve only chosen close-toe shoes for this one. ALL of these may not fit with the office you work in but certainly some of them would.  These will give you an idea of how to add a bit more colour (and sass) to an outfit while remaining appropriate and professional in your role.

Image is Everything

If you were ever a tennis fan in the early 1990s, you’ll for sure remember Canon’s “Image is Everything” campaign (Andre Agassi was one of my tennis idols growing up). Well, that famous saying, Image is Everything, is most certainly true! More seriously though, the image that you share with others can impact your impression on others. We’ve all heard the “first impressions happen in a few quick seconds” (possibly the blink of an eye).  It’s imporant to make sure you know what you want to share with others – and what you don’t! Things to consider are: Your overall style and professional attire: does your style say that you are “competent, trustworthy, and reliable” or are you projecting a personal style that say you’re a hot mess?  This is no superficial things folks.  Developing an appearance that is professional is vital to success in business. Your presence on social media: it’s becoming more and more common for employers and university admissions offices to scour social media in order to learn more about you.  This can impact your chances of being recruited or promoted (or even fired… yikes).  Be smart about this and use common sense.  If you’re not sure what’s acceptable, do some reading on the topic.  There’s a lot of available information. Your posture and body language: does your body language let people know you are open to new ideas, collaborating, or feedback?  The way you stand. your use of gestures, and your facial expressions can communicate a lot about you.  Be aware of what others are picking up from you.  If you’re not sure, ask someone you trust for feedback and help. You should be the one to get that promotion, gain entrance to graduate school, meet that special someone… right? Make sure you consider the image you’re projecting because it’s true – Image is Everything.  

Dress for the body you have, not the body you want…

Far too often, you’ve caught yourself wearing that “trend of the moment” item that looked, at best, ok on you.  Why do you continue to do that?  Why do you continue to pick garments that look AMAZING on the model, at the stores, or in the magazines but look pretty average… ok, less than average, on you? We’ve all done the “I’ll dress better when I lose a few pounds,” right? STOP IT!  You deserve better…. and you deserve it now. These simple, easy to do tips will help you choose pieces that flatter, enhance, and highlight your beautiful and unique shape. Know your body type: Knowing your body shape will help you choose garments with cuts, colours, patterns and textures that are right for YOU.  Be aware that you, like many women, are probably not the same size on the top and bottom half of your body.  Know these size differences BEFORE heading into the dressing room so you can avoid the frustration or end up feeling sorry for yourself (that’s no good). Not all trends were created for you:  Accept it.  It`s just a fact of life.  You might really like a metallic this or neon-coloured that but plastering it all over your body may not highlight YOU in the right way.  Instead, take that trend of the moment that you love so much and make it work for your body type and style preferences.  For example, bold colours (if that’s your thing), could be incorporated into your outfit with a feminine blouse, funky high heel, or skinny belt.  Trendy items can be incorporated into your look in a fun, personalized way that doesn’t break the bank! Highlight your favourite features: You know “the areas” that make you feel self-conscious?  Well, who cares about that!  Let’s celebrate and focus on the things that you love about yourself.  Maybe you have beautiful eyes, legs that go on forever, curves that would make a certain Kardashian jealous, or creamy and youthful skin.  You can certainly play up these features with the right clothing choices.  Start experimenting now… with the wonderful body you have NOW. These things may seem common sense but to be honest, they’re not.  Take a walk around your downtown and do some people watching… clearly not so common sense or you wouldn’t have gasped and, silently, judged the last 5 people that walked by you.