This week we have some news – BIG news!
L Squared Style had just launched the next phase of our business. This new venture called Style Ivy.
Some of you may have seen previews on social media or maybe you’ve heard rumours through the grapevine. Well, rumour no more.
It’s official.
Come January 2016 Style Ivy will be available online!
First, we want to make sure you know what it’s all about:
Style Ivy has been something I’ve been working on for three years now. It’s all about one thing- personal style. That’s it. We want to empower you to know that style is more than making fashion choices, it extends beyond your wardrobe. Style can make you not only look great, but feel great too! With Style Ivy, we put those tools in your hands.
Each day, I work one-on-one with clients and well as train various size teams. Both groups hire me for this personalized service of better understanding their image and what they can do to improve what they share with the world each day. It’s a premium service.
It’s worth it. Ask those who work with me.
On the Style Ivy platform, our first e-course is called Style Foundations. This is an online course that will take you through a journey to discover your own style. In this course there are lessons, videos and, yes, homework. The homework at the end of each lesson is to help you further understand your style goals and personal goals.
How does this differ from L Squared Style?
Well Style Foundations allows you to go through this style overhaul at a slower pace of two lessons a week and gives you the time to reflect on what you want from your clothing choices. Also, Style Foundations is accessible to anyone, any where and at any time. It democratizes the services I offer to anyone who is interested in personal/professional development .
On that note – Christmas is coming up. If you have someone in your life who fits the description, think about getting Style Foundations for them. It could be just what they need to start the new year with a bang!
Style Ivy. Don’t just think about it. Do it. This is your time.
Check us out on Facebook (Style Ivy) or on Twitter and Instagram – @yourstyleivy.