To tailor or not to tailor….

I often talk – okay, preach – about the importance of having a tailor that you like and trust.  It’s really my number one, super-duper style tip and now you know it! Here’s some quick background info on why I think utilizing the services of a tailor is just SO important: We come in ALL shapes and sizes: Not every human being was created the same (thank goodness for that…. how boring would that be).  Not only are we of different races, ages, sexual preferences and more but we are also have different body shapes/sizes and, therefore, most off-the-rack clothing comes won’t fit us properly.  This is usually the primary reason why one would go to a tailor – standard clothing off a rack wasn’t made for everyone! Take that garment to a tailor so that it can be customized just for YOU! The details are important: To ensure that your garment is highlighting the “right” things on you (your shape and your daily activities), take it to a tailor so that she or he can focus on some of those details that you just didn’t think were important.  Here’ s a couple of examples: The waist of your dress is too loose and your shape is lost in it.  A tailor can help by bringing in the waist which will create more focus at the smallest part of your midsection. The back of your dress shirt is billowy and tent-like.  It looks like you’re 12 years old wearing your dad’s work shirt!  A tailor can help by adding darts to various parts of the dress shirt to give it a more narrowed shape; this makes the shirt look neater when tucked in (which it probably needs to be for the office). We’re all unique, right? It’s only natural that we want to show our individuality and personality to those around us.  A tailor can help you customize a garment so that your vision comes through, regardless of whether you got it at a massive chain store or your local vintage shop.  This is the more fun and creative side of working with someone who knows what they’re doing! So, enough preaching from me!  Since I do believe in tailoring most of my clothes, I thought I’d share one of my favourite pieces that I updated last year (when my tailor doesn’t see me for a week or two, she often wonders where I am… yes, it’s a bit of an obsession – I know!).  This is the most work I’ve ever had done to a garment but it was totally worth it to me! Lazina’s restructured blazer So I bought this blazer (I got it during a MASSIVE sale at a local, high-end boutique) and knew that it wasn’t yet right for me… even though the sales lady thought it looked perfect and was “made for me”.  It WAS made for me – just not the way it was at the time of purchase!  I could see the potential

When the temperatures rise, so do the hemlines… even in the office??

Wouldn’t we all rather be outside soaking up the sun, having a picnic, at the cabin for a few extra days, enjoying a backyard BBQ… just about anything else besides sitting in the office (no matter how much you love your profession)?  While this may be true, we DO have to be in the office during those long summer days. I’ve often noticed that people- both men and women- tend to take some liberty with their clothing choices during those long summer days at the office.  I’ve also noticed that women are the primary offenders of – I’ll just say it – inappropriate attire in the office!  What I’m referring to specifically are hemlines.  As the old cliché goes – “as the temperature rises, so do the hemlines.”  Although this phrase may seem a bit dated, it definitely holds true…even in situations where it shouldn’t. By simply walking around downtown, I see MANY women who are wearing summer skirts that are too short, too sheer or too tight!  Here are three common “mistakes” I see (and I know you’ve seen them too): A lady with really long legs wearing a skirt that is halfway up her thigh – of course she is wearing sky high heels.  Not only is the skirt short (inappropriate short for work), but it is also some type of floral print that is ‘flowy’ and perfect for summer (that was a little sarcasm in case it didn’t come through).  What this lady doesn’t realize (or maybe she does), is that the second the wind blows, that skirt is going to be plastered right up against her chest and back – and no, she didn’t catch it in time to do the classic Marilyn Monroe pose on the street! A lady with an “elastic” pencil skirt doing the penguin shuffle down the street.  At first glance, it might seem like this skirt is fine for the office.  It’s a high-waisted skirt and goes more or less to the knee.  But it’s stretchy and is not made with REAL MATERIAL!!  I’ve often seen a skirt like this paired with a fitted – ok tight, not fitted – blouse or top!  This is not a work-appropriate outfit ladies.  You are attracting the wrong type of attention in this skirt – end of story A lady wearing a light summer skirt (a thinner material) that is so sheer that everyone can see her thighs and/or underwear when the sun shines on her.  While the skirt length or shape may not be inappropriate for the office, this skirt is completely see-through!  I don’t know about you, but I’d feel totally exposed at the office, particularly during a client meeting! So, why I am sharing some of these “mistakes”?  Am I looking to just rant on my blog?  No.  Am I trying to be controversial? No.  Am I trying to be as straight-up as possible about how to not be a “summer style victim” at work? YES!! I thought I’d share some

You are beautiful just the way you are!

Too often we hear and see messages that tell us that we need to lose some pounds to look fantastic.  Honestly, I can’t even count the number of times I’ve heard of people getting all “down in the dumps” about their fabulous-selves because they saw images of thin, attractive people looking amazing.  First of all, some people have the resources to make themselves look perfect every day and second of all, YOU can look fabulous just the way you are! Guess what?  Whether you have an extra roll or two (or not), how you dress for your shape can do wonders to make you look amazing, regardless of how you look today (and not in 5 months when you think you’re going to lose 20, 40, 60 pounds – or more).  Here are a few key things that you can do TODAY to make you look and feel amazing: It’s all about balance You’ll need to really consider your body’s proportions to follow this tip.  For example, if you are broad in the shoulders, wearing a really skinny or tapers pant will only make you look like an ice cream cone on the bottom.  Instead, consider wearing a pant that falls from the widest part of your hip straight down to the ground (just grazing above the ground).  I’d also suggest wearing a jacket or blazer with very structured shoulders- to balance your proportions.  You can top this look off with some killer heels and 1-2 fun accessories (now don’t go crazy accessorizing). Not everyone has supermodel long legs… but we can pretend So some of us (me included) don’t have ridiculously long legs but it IS possible for us to create the illusion that we have long legs.  How you ask?  There are 2 really easy, quick things you can do right away. Wear heels with a pointed toe-box (and obviously look for shoes that are comfortable and don’t crush your toes… ouch!).  This creates the illusion of a longer, leaner leg.  To really emphasize this look, opt for heels that are nude or skin colour. In addition to wearing heels with more of a point, opt for skirts and dresses that end at the narrowest part of your leg (and we’re not talking the ankle here).  Rather than have your hemline end at your mid-thigh or mid-calf – which will make your legs look THICKER – wear skirts or dresses that end at/just above/just below the knee. Define your waist Most of us have some “chubba chubb” around our midsections that we wish wasn’t there- but it is there so deal with it!  One way to create the illusion of a thinner waistline is to define the smallest part of your waist.  Your natural waistline is somewhere between your bustline and your belly button – I like to call it your sweet spot!  You can define your sweet spot by: Adding a trendy or feminine belt: add either a colour that complements your outfit (not one that is too