Friday Find: Lace up boots

The transition from fall into winter can be tricky.  Do you wear your warmer boots or not?  Do you need a heavier jacket around this time of year or should you just opt for a thicker sweater? Should you throw on a hat on if it’s slightly chillier out or not? Personally, I find footwear to be one of the trickiest areas, especially when I start thinking about weekend wear (sweat pants and running shoes won’t do people). Enter the lace up ankle boot – my Friday Find for you this week. For the ladies Route of the Matter Boot- Jeffery Campbell (@ For the gents Cooper Square Longwing Boot- Cole Haan (@   This boot is the perfect weekend footwear for this time of year. Why? Because they are: warm and cozy (go ahead and add warmer socks if you need to) easy to pair with most items in your weekend wardrobe…. especially if you go with a shade of brown as shown here quite stylish, in an understated way going to last you a long time (especially if you take care of them)   Here’s my quick tip on these boots: Many lace up boots have a leather sole and aren’t really that practial once there’s snow and ice on the ground. To wear them throughout fall AND winter, I suggest you take your boots to a shoe maker to get a rubber sole added on the bottom.  Yes, I know some people would gasp (intensely) at this suggestion but it’s a great way to add time to the “boot wearing” season.  Also, it will prevent you from slipping if there’s a light dusting of snow or a sheet of black ice.   Happy Friday!

Stop saying “like” so much. It makes you sound dumb.

“Like, I went to this show….” “He was like…” “So I told her to like go and like try to….” “Like, you know what I mean…” Here it is in plain english.  Stop saying the word like so much.  It makes you sound dumb.  You’re not dumb.  Why would you want to come across that way?   As someone who speaks about building a personal brand that is reflective of you, your skills, your talents and everything else you bring to the table, I want to let you know that “peppering” your conversations with the word like is, without a doubt, a knock to your credibility and intelligence. You know who says like the most?  Young professionals. Stop it.  You’re smarter than that. Now, I understand that this word is engrained in our culture and yes, there are times when we all say it, but using it after every word – or every other word – is ridiculous.  I know you know it is. Also, I do understand many people are uncomfortable in a public speaking situation.  I get it.  The word like seems to be a default that people fall back on.  My advice is to practice  (in the mirror if you can… it sounds nerdy but it works) cutting that word out of your presentation. That’s not what I’m talking about though.  I’m talking about the everyday, conversational use of the word like. Avoid saying:  “I like really want to like go see that {insert anything}.” Instead, say: “I want to go see that {insert anything}”. Can you see how the first statement makes you sound stupid? You’re not stupid.  You’re intelligent, talented and competent.  What you say is a reflection of who you are and what you’re about. Whether you like it or not, this is true. With this in mind, my advice for you is to start being aware of when, and how often, you say the word like.  It sounds like a little thing but it makes a huge difference when presenting yourself to new clients, a recruiter, a potential partner or anyone, really. You’re better than that.  

Reader Spotlight/Friday Find: Finding a Navy Wool Coat

Hi All, I decided to switch it up today and combine a Friday Find post with a Reader Spotlight post. Enjoy!   Hi Lazina, I’m on the hunt for a classic navy wool coat for winter. I can’t seem to find what I’m looking for. I’d like a 3/4 length coat with gold buttons. Any suggestions? Thanks for your help! Jenn    Hi Jenn, I love that you’re looking for this classic coat – both in colour and style. Here are my suggestions for you: H&M- Reefer Jacket ($79.95) Smythe- Birkin Coat (~$1100 @ MARC by MARC JACOBS- Nicoletta Wool Coat ($990 @ Trina Turk- Double Breasted Lambswool and Cashmere Officer’s Coat (~$600 @ Nordstroms) ZARA- Double Breasted Wool Coat ($59.99) * Style Tip- switch out these buttons for vintage-inspired gold ones Happy coat hunting!