On my recent trip to Turkey, I spent a few days in the great city of Istanbul. It’s filled with history, culture, tourists, technology and yes, very trendy people. The one trend that absolutely stood out was that many young Turkish women were wearing these beautiful silk headscarves, rather than a hijab (a more full head covering worn my Muslim women). I just expected that most women would have a hijab on but no, young women were wearing these silk scarves with the most beautiful patterns and colours. There was one day in particular where I watched a group of women walking down a hill. Each woman had a different coloured scarf on which captured the attention of many tourists as they walked past us – they were beautiful.
In addition to the silk scarves, these young women were wearing trench coats! It was quite apparent that this was a trend amongst Turkish women because they were not only on EVERY woman that walked by but also in many clothing stores. I noticed that popular trend was metallic trench coats such as baby pink, beige, lavender and peach.
While I loved the look of the trench coat and head scarves… and of course, chic sunglasses, I could only imagine just how hot it must be to wear a trench coat in the summer months (Istanbul summers are VERY hot). I do realize that Turkey is a Muslim country so women must cover themselves up but I just didn’t get the trench coat in such a warm climate.
My final verdict: the fact that the headscarf and trench coat trend is so pervasive amongst young Turkish women leads me to believe that women, regardless of where they live or what they believe, will do ANYTHING (even be super uncomfortable and HOT) in the pursuit of the latest and greatest trend! :)