Like many people, I’ve always been attracted to style, new trends and fashion. But a few years ago, I took a look in the mirror and realized that my look was stale, dated, and looked WAY too similar to everybody else! I guess that’s what happens when you follow trends and fads too closely – for too long!
After taking that close look in the mirror and not loving what I saw, I spent a lot of time educating myself on what styles worked best for me – for my life situation, body type, age, style preferences and, of course, my budget. At that time, I had just finished a Master’s degree and was about to enter the workforce. I felt this was the perfect transition point for me to package my ‘inner substance’ with a good sense of style!
Since then, I’ve been a lot more conscious in observing the style that other people present to the world. Once I started noticing the variety of different styles out there, I came to realize that – plain and simple – many of us haven’t connected the dots between how others perceive us and how we WANT to be perceived. Think about your style right at this moment, is THAT the message that you want to share with the world? Is it appropriate for your current life circumstances? In some cases, yes is probably the answers to these questions, but I’m willing to wager a fair amount that a lot of people don’t fully understand that what they wear is speaking volumes to the world! From this realization, L2 Style was born!
L2 Style has been my outlet for developing unique style solutions for people that not only focus on making them look their absolute best but also on educating them on what their style is saying to other people. And frankly, when you look amazing, you carry yourself differently, you are more confident, and you just feel more attractive. Ultimately you are presenting your most authentic self to others. Guess what, all of these outcomes help us progress in our personal and professional lives. That’s it! Understanding style and being able to piece a wardrobe together is not rocket science but it IS an acquired skill that a lot of people haven’t mastered. My goal is to provide mentorship, guidance, and advice to those that are ready to start their own style journey. I invite you to read through the information on this website, including my blog, and my hope is that you’ll be inspired to start your own style journey because you really do deserve to look fabulous. Always…
Lazina Mckenzie
L2 Style Founder & Style Consultant